dinsdag 15 december 2009

vrijdag 14 augustus 2009
New Obsession magazine

New improved Obsession Magazine bigger and better.
zondag 7 juni 2009

of course it is difficult to be fully dedicated to my work i see that some of my friends are in a whole diffrent stage right now you know things like kids, boyfriends, the typicall stuff. All i am thinking is my time and day wil come.
I still enjoy my life the way it is rightnow.
i'm still the same girl i never change the girl who party's who is always in for a drink i always take the responsibility for my choices and i have respect for the people who do the same.
A lot a people come and go in my life some of them are not on this planet anymore or i lost them a long the way like my bestfriends but its cool i make sure that i wont forget them.
I been true the struggles and a lot of pain but i am still here stronger as ever.
Still love too entertain people and there party's but there is a difference of being that happy person and being a serious person the only thing i realy want is to be happy and accomplish the things i want to accomplish in my life.
For now i still follow my dreams and my heart ........I'll be back trust on that!!
zaterdag 6 juni 2009

Steeds meer mannen en vrouwen kiezen voor goedkopere producten zoals make-up en kleding. Ook de mode industrie besteed hier aandacht aan meer mode en make-up merken produceren een zogenaamde crisis lijn bijvoorbeeld L’Oréal dat houd in dat de producten betaalbaar blijven voor de consument.
Ook in tijden van crisis is het nog steeds mogelijk om er op je best eruit te blijven zien.
Een leuk feitje is dat donkere vrouwen over het algemeen meer spenderen aan schoonheid producten dan als westerse vrouwen vooral aan het ontkroezen of vlechten van het haar er word daarom ook veel uitgegeven bij de kapper.
In Nederland groeit de afro industrie al jaren maar exacte cijfers ontbreken.
vrijdag 5 juni 2009

Got nothing but love for the jamiacan culture and music I grew up with dancehall and reggae music since i was a little girl i listen and dance to ub40 or shaba ranks and when I was eighteen i finaly got permission from my parents to go out i went to every show and learn saw a lot of dancehall and reggae artists to name a few : MR. Vegas was my first show together with Sean Paul Morgan Heritage, T.O.K., Beenie Man, Sizzla Kolonji, Capleton, Tarrus Riley, Lady Saw, Cecile, Busy Signal , Mavado Jah Cure, Shaggy, Bounty Killer, the list can go on and on ........
This is one of the main reasons i started to work for Obsession Magazine
besides my pasion for fashion i got some love for the jamaican culture and music to for the magazine i did some intervieuws with Wayne Marshall and Ziggy ShockWave, from the Netherlands trust me there is more to come i think that its a way of life its a culture you like it or you dont most people dont understand why i like the music that much they think that it is not me i should be listening to R&B and that kinda thing but yasmin only listens to her heart along the way i made some jamaican friends and i learned more about the culture one day i realy want to go to JAMAICA or help the people in some way. I visit alot of jamaican party's like Jamock its the only true dancehall and reggae movement in the Netherlands also i visit a lot of festivals such as SummerJam in germany or Reggae sundance and two seven splash its to bad we dont have more festivals here in Holland i hope in future there wil be more to come.
Not a lot people know that except my love for fashion i love to dance when i have some free time al i can do is dance Sexy but Classy it keeps my body in shape and it makes me feel good i was also the dancer of the band qplus its a surinam kaseko band watch the video on www.youtube.com/qplusskorrobangie guess its in my blood be ware cause there is so much more to share !!

Welcome to my own blog yasmin rose daily life as a fashion woman!!
I decided to make my own blog!! because i want to show the world my work and my goals that i achieve spread the word on the streets i'm a hard working woman and a true feminist that always want to achieve here goals in life imma do my thing and doing it good i work with a lot of men and loving it;-) cause i am being a woman in a mens world. In holland its hard to reach the top cause its a lil country but if you work hard people wil recognize you.
In my daily life i get inspired by a lot of things first of al my friends and family people on the street or internet but most of al i get inspired by the LORD my creator and creator of al things on this planet i give thanx and praise everyday also i count my blessings cause you never know what wil happen inna life