of course it is difficult to be fully dedicated to my work i see that some of my friends are in a whole diffrent stage right now you know things like kids, boyfriends, the typicall stuff. All i am thinking is my time and day wil come.
I still enjoy my life the way it is rightnow.
i'm still the same girl i never change the girl who party's who is always in for a drink i always take the responsibility for my choices and i have respect for the people who do the same.
A lot a people come and go in my life some of them are not on this planet anymore or i lost them a long the way like my bestfriends but its cool i make sure that i wont forget them.
I been true the struggles and a lot of pain but i am still here stronger as ever.
Still love too entertain people and there party's but there is a difference of being that happy person and being a serious person the only thing i realy want is to be happy and accomplish the things i want to accomplish in my life.
For now i still follow my dreams and my heart ........I'll be back trust on that!!